Sacramental Programme

Each child begins their sacramental journey through the gift of baptism. Baptism is the gift of new life, a gift from God our Father.

For many reasons your child may not have been baptised when they start school, even things that we know are important pass us by. God understands life, for Jesus lived amongst us and walked in our shoes!

If your child is not baptised and you would like them to be, we want to make this happen. Both the parish and school are working together to help this to happen.

The only criteria are that one parent must be baptised Roman Catholic and there must be a desire for the gift of baptism to be given to your child.

Holy Communion

First Holy Communions are celebrated in May/June of school year four. Families will be contacted via their child's school earlier in the academic year with instructions detaling how to proceed.

Please refer to the parish newsletter for more information 


St John Fisher Primary School

About Us

We strive for our school to be a happy place where all children learn in a safe and secure environment. We are committed to developing the talents and skills of every child to enable them to achieve the best that they can. We also wish to nurture their spiritual and personal development so that they become caring and responsible citizens. Every member of our school family is respected and valued for the unique individual they are.

Contact Us

Edward Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0BW

School Reception

0151 424 7794


[email protected]

Main Contact

Office Manager: Andrea Coombes

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