Art and Design
Subject Leader - Mrs Roberts
Hello, my name is Mrs Roberts and I am Art Lead at St John Fisher. This is my second year at St.John Fisher and I am so grateful to work in such a creative and loving environment. I thoroughly enjoy inspiring both children and staff to foster a love of art. Our School is a very special place that natures talent, supporting our pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
I am passionate about art and creativity. There is nothing better than to experience children learning new skills and being excited about their drawings, paintings and creations. I am so proud to be part of such a motivated, talented and creative family.
I really enjoy celebrating artwork across the whole school and I like to organise art events, for example, The Halton Schools Network. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the talent of the creative children and staff that we have in our school community.
At St. John Fisher we inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. I am so excited to have the opportunity to continue to lead art. I cannot wait to see and exeprience even more wonderful artwork in the future.
Art at St. John Fisher
At St. John Fisher we believe that Art is the one of the highest forms of human creativity. This is linked to our unique loving learning environment. Our Art curriculum also contributes to the spiritual, moral, and cultural development of our children. We intend to provide a high-quality curriculum that engages, inspires, and challenges our children. Equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft, and design. As pupils progress, we want them to think critically, and discover how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity, and wealth of our world.
At St. John Fisher we provide pupils with a rich and progressive Art Curriculum. Art skills are taught in line with class topics and taught in line with then National Curriculum. During the early year’s pupils are given the opportunity to explore different textures, shape, and colour. From a very early age children are encouraged to develop their own ideas.
All Art skills are taught and practiced with direct links to the National curriculum. Key Vocabulary lists are provided to support pupils in responding critically to questioning surrounding the work of artists, their own or others work. Sketch books are used to record Artwork from Year 1 to Year Six these are carried with our pupils through every academic year to show progression and continuation of creativity and personal growth.
Children are encouraged to evaluate their Artwork. Children are provided with opportunities for peer feedback and reflection. Artwork is displayed and celebrated across the whole school. Following Our Catholic Ethos Artwork is celebrated in the School Community. Our Artwork Contributes to curriculum enrichment and makes links to extra-curricular activities where appropriate. It Maximises the potential for our Art curriculum to contribute to our children’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development.
Our membership of the Halton Primary Arts Network is an organised event that celebrates skills across our whole school. This is an excellent opportunity for our children to be inspired by new ideas and come together to produce, creative and inspiring artwork. Educational visits are organised to enrich pupils’ experiences example Visits to Art Galleries. Teachers are encouraged to plan for learning outside the classroom experiences for example painting and creating art in the forest.
In Art we strive to nurture children’s creativity. Our Art curriculum is focused on our topics. We provide children with opportunities to discover famous Artists. We measure the impact of our curriculum by moderation of books, feedback in lessons, evaluations of artwork and pupil voice.
The impact of our curriculum aims to enable Children at St. John fisher to use a range of materials to design and make products. Children will gain skills that enable them to use drawing, painting, and sculpture to share their ideas, experiences, and imagination. Children will have an awareness of the work of a range of artists and craftsmen in history and will be able to describe the differences similarities between different art forms. Our Art curriculum recognises the unique value of every child, supporting the talents and the formation of the whole person. Are children are engaged, inspired and challenged to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.