Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Case

Welcome to Year 2!! 

Teacher: Mrs Case

If you need to contact me or ask me any questions my email address is [email protected] 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Sewell


We have an exciting few weeks planned for you as we will research animals and humans, discover where we live and keep an eye on a mischievous troll and his trusted companion. 


This term we will be covering two full topics in science and geography: animals, including humans and where do we live?. Children will need to use all their investigation skills to determine how to minimise the spread of germs, as well as compare what happens to offspring as they grow older. We will learn more about the UK. It's four countries, their capital cities and the three surrounding seas. We will also remember the 7 continents and 5 oceans. 


A full PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, red shorts and pumps. We will have PE every Friday afternoon. 


At our school reading is a priority and considered the most important skill when learning and moving through the school. However, to help our children achieve and become high quality readers we need support from parents. Every child must read for 10 minutes every night with a phonics book provided from school every Friday. 

We always hope to inspire children to love reading by providing them with a story from our school library. Having a chance to read this would be a start to helping children love reading.

Forest school

We have Forest school every Wednesday where the children will come in in their own clothes, we will go out in rain or sunshine! Wellies and coats will be needed over the winter months! 

There are lots of websites to help listed below:


Bitesize spelling

Verbs and Adverbs


Old trusty websites:

  • Vocabulary Here is a website which is full of exciting vocabulary. Click on the different links to find adjectives, adverbs, alternative words for said and many more! There is also a link called 'word classes' this will help you to revise what verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs are.

  • Maths A range of questions for you to test yourself.

  • Maths Telling the time and times tables games.

  • Sentence games. Here are some sentence games to help you to work on those complex sentences!


Maths and English Practise

IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group.  The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills.  Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.

BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2.  Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English.   Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online.  Some aspects require a subscription.

A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.

A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!

A revision site based upon the old Key Stage 2 Tests but still contains lots of useful information for both Maths and English.

A site with links to  old style Key Stage 2 Maths Papers, Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games.  Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.

A site with links to Maths and English revision materials, including worksheets to look at online or to print off and practise with.

These are “old style” Key Stage 2 test papers but are still useful for practise, and in particular, creating discussion around questions and strategies to answer.  View on screen or print off for free.  Best used

Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.

This site has loads of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.

Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.

A range of English games and activities.

Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.

A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.

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St John Fisher Primary School

About Us

We strive for our school to be a happy place where all children learn in a safe and secure environment. We are committed to developing the talents and skills of every child to enable them to achieve the best that they can. We also wish to nurture their spiritual and personal development so that they become caring and responsible citizens. Every member of our school family is respected and valued for the unique individual they are.

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Edward Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0BW

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0151 424 7794


[email protected]

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Office Manager: Andrea Coombes

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