

On behalf of all of our governors I would like to welcome you to our school’s Governing Body pages.

Our governing body was reconstituted and approved by the Archdiocese of Liverpool on 25th March 2015 and made by order of Halton Local Authority on 8th July. It now consists of eight members who are fully committed to upholding our school Values.

As well as the Headteacher and a staff representative, our governing body also includes parents of children who attend our school and representatives from our church and Local Authority.

The governing body has a range of duties and powers which include but are not limited to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

As governors, we are all focused on the same goal; to provide each child with an excellent education based on the highest possible academic, social, moral and cultural standards. You can help us achieve our goal by supporting our Headteacher and staff, and by respecting our school aims, values and policies.

If you would like to contact me to discuss any matter please do so by contacting the School Office.  I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the coming year.

Mrs Lesley Pearsall

Chair of Governors

All Governors are appointed for a term of 4 years.

St John Fisher Catholic Primary School Governing Body 2024-2025


Kathryn Monaghan

Felicity Cunliffe

Chair (foundation Governor)

Vice Chair (Foundation Governor)

Lesley Pearsall Foundation Governor

Denise Cash

Maureen Finnegan

Alison Burrowes


Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor


Daniel Jones

Parent Governor

Melissa Callender

Staff Governor

Sandra Baker

LA Governor

Nicola Dickinson Head teacher

There is currently two vacancies for Foundation Governors further details are available from Mrs Dickinson.

Declaration of interests

At the first Full Governing Body of each academic year governors complete a declaration of their eligibility to serve as a School Governor,  a Declaration of Interests and sign the Governors Code of Conduct.

At each Governing Body and Committee meeting governors are asked to declare any personal or pecuniary interest and to state their eligibility to serve as a School Governor.

 Up to present day all governors had declared their eligibility to serve and there has been 1 business, personal or pecuniary interests declared by a governor.

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St John Fisher Primary School

About Us

We strive for our school to be a happy place where all children learn in a safe and secure environment. We are committed to developing the talents and skills of every child to enable them to achieve the best that they can. We also wish to nurture their spiritual and personal development so that they become caring and responsible citizens. Every member of our school family is respected and valued for the unique individual they are.

Contact Us

Edward Street, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0BW

School Reception

0151 424 7794


[email protected]

Main Contact

Office Manager: Andrea Coombes

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